Written By masgari on Friday, April 29, 2011 | 6:56 AM
Amino acids (CARNITINE): This enhances the burning of fat. Since it has calories, it increases the calorie intake also.Fucus vesiculosis: This is a sea...
A balanced diet is essential for teenagers to continue to grow. Frequent dieting always results in suppression of growth and at times weight gain also....
Weight loss pills or anti-obesity pills are medications that help to lose weight. These drugs decrease the appetite and increase the physical activity....
Green tea is believed to be in use as a medicine for at least 4000 years in china. It is also believed that green tea lowers the cholesterol levels by...
Composition of energy value and preparation of food ration is called a diet. A balanced diet is necessary. More fruits and vegetables and a variety of...
Cocaine, taken from the coca plant leaves, stimulates the central nervous system. It is also an appetite suppressant. But there are certain side effects...
Drinking green tea has a whole lot of benefits like fighting against cancer, stabilizing diabetes, helping in weight loss, slowing the ageing process...
There are certain steps to be followed. Firstly, make sure whether the concerned person really wants to lose weight. He or she should plan to exercise....
Obesity is one of the major problems now a days the reasons being many. Maintaining healthy life by using herbal products is called as Herbal life. Herbal...
There are various methods that are specially designed to help people overcome adult dyslexia. Adult dyslexics can conveniently and discreetly undergo...
Taking the following things into account, movement should be done.Gain a full understanding of the history of any former injuries and the symptoms that...
You don’t need another course on how to make millions in the stock market. You don’t need another program on how to get rich in real estate. You don’t...
The therapy most often taught to deal with acute injury uses the acronym RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. While it is important to give an...
Dyslexia At WorkIn the US, dyslexia afflicts about 40 million adults and children. In some cases, the condition is not easily detected until screening...