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Role of Women In Men's Health

Written By masgari on Thursday, March 10, 2011 | 8:06 AM

In general, men have poorer health status than women, this happens because of several factors, including culture that emphasizes the importance of achievement and competence. In addition, the belief in manhood and courage make him more of a potential hazardous work and a tendency to not use a sufficient deterrent.

This was raised in the press conference Women's Health Expo 2011 which took place Thursday, February 17, 2011 yesterday at the Faculty of medicine-RSCM. This Woman Health Expo event was held on the fourth February 18 to 19 yesterday and held at Smesco UKM Jakarta, with the theme: Women care about men's health.

Dr. Rizal Edy Wahyudi, SpPD, Dept. Staff. Medicine Faculty of medicine-RSCM committee also Whe 2011, argued, "There are a few facts that can be seen and felt associated with lower health men than in women. The most obvious and almost happened in many countries in the world is the existence of differences in life expectancy between men and women. Where male life expectancy tends to be shorter, ranging from 4 to 6 years shorter than women.

When traced further, it turns out the deaths that occurred (especially in men), many of which are premature and should be prevented. Related to this we also need to know and know well about the disease that often affects and the cause of death in men so that by the end of health promotion or preventive actions can be performed as early as possible. "

"Some diseases that cause death in men are heart disease, lung disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and cancer. It is important for men to realize their vulnerability and take positive action to prevent the arrival of these diseases. And increased attention to himself that there is risk factors that may exist as a history of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure in the family, obesity, poor lifestyle, smoking and stress "she continued.

"Another interesting thing to note is related to the nature of men's health issues or feelings which are common in men that fear, shame and refused to budge. Fear of man's existence as a doubt, ashamed to declare themselves sick that identified as weaknesses and always try to show themselves capable all-round so that it appears the nature refused to budge.

Not to mention the uniqueness of coping mechanisms that occur in men who are experiencing the situation / incident / event that is quite heavy, they generally do things that are not good for their own health, like smoking, drinking alcohol etc.. Seeing some of these then the involvement of other people / other groups as a booster for the men pay more attention to his health became something to be done. In this case a woman can really act "dr.Edy raised further.

Dr. Charles Damping, SpKJ (K) stated, "Women involved in men's health for three reasons: first, they are involved in decisions about health problems in the family: they tend to know more about health and health services, play an active role in the prevention of problems health and treatment and the last is that they care because they also care about their health, for men's health will have a direct impact on their health, enjoyment of social life and their way of life. "

Tags : health and wellness, health news, health tips, nutrition and health, health for men, health and fitness, obesity, health information, men & health, women & health